Sunday, November 30, 2008

Function Overloading 2

How to call Overloaded Functions


Note : suffix F or f has to be used with float without F or f it will be treated as double

Function Overloading and Ambiguity

If compiler is not able to choose between two or more overloaded function , it leads to ambiguity. Ambiguous statements are errors and programs containing ambiguity will not compile.
Main cause of ambiguity is C++’s automatic type conversions.
C++ automatically attempts to convert the arguments used to call a function into the type of arguments expected by the function.

For example:
Suppose if function declration is
int showMe(double d);

and if we call it like

showMe(‘x’); // not an error , conversion occurred

So above statement will not show any error because C++ automatically converts the character ‘x’ into its double equivalent.

Now consider this program.


float exposeMe(float f);
double exposeMe(double d);

cout<<”Secret no : “<<exposeMe(42.4); // not ambiguous, calls exposeMe( double) : 1
cout<<”\nAnother Secret number : “<< exposeMe(100); // : 2
return 0;


float exposeMe(float f)
return f;


double exposeMe(double d)
return d;

Here, exposeMe() is overloaded it can accept either float or double type data. In 1 exposeMe(double) is called, because all floating point constants in C++ are automatically of type double if suffix f or F is not there. Hence this call is not ambiguous. However function 2 exposeMe(100) is called , it leads to ambiguity because compiler has no way to know whether it should be converted to a float or to a double. This causes an error message to be displayed , and the program will not compile.

Another example of ambiguity


float exposeMe(unsigned char c);
double exposeMe(char c);

cout<<”Reveled Character is : “<<exposeMe(‘x’);
cout<<”\nAnother Reveled Character is : “<< exposeMe(999); // : 2
return 0;


float exposeMe(unsigned char c)
return c - 1;


double exposeMe(char c)
return c + 1;

In C++, unsigned char and char are not inherently ambiguous. However, when exposeMe(99) is called the compiler has no way to know which function to call. That is, whether 99 should be converted into a char or an unsigned char?

To be continued….

Function Overloading

‘Overloading’ means a thing is having one name but distinct meanings. C++ supports two types of overloading
1. Function Overloading
2. Operator Overloading

Function overloading means one function name can have different meanings. And it can perform distinct tasks. But now the question is, how it can be done ?
It is done very intelligently, just providing different argument lists which is also known as function signature. The overloaded function is selected on the basis of following criteria –
Number of arguments
Type of arguments
Order of arguments

Important : - return type of function doesn’t take participate in overloading.

This information is available to compiler at compile-time itself , hence called early binding or static binding or static linking. It is also known as Compile-time polymorphism.

For example :
A. float sum ( int a, int b)
B. float sum (float a, float b)
C. float sum (float a, float b, float c)

That is , in A sum() is taking two int arguments , in B sum is taking two float arguments while in C sum() is taking three float arguments.

Declaration and Definition

void printMe(int a)
void printMe(float f)
void printMe(double d)
void printMe(char c)

After declaration of overloading functions, we have to define them in following manner.

void printMe(int a)
cout<<”I am “<<a<<endl;


void printMe(double d)
Cout<<”I am “<<d<<endl;

void printMe(char c)
Cout<<”I am “<<c<<endl;

Now you can understand how easy to work with overloading functions.