Monday, April 30, 2007

Features Of C++

Following are the various features of C++ :
Streams for I/O
Function Prototypes
Default Function Arguments
Scope Resolution Operator
The Const qualifier
Inline Function
Overloaded functions
Access Specifiers

and many more.....

C vs C++

What C++ is having C not :

boolean type
Inline substitution
Default function arrays
Free Store Management Operators i.e. new and delete
Function Overloading
Operator Overloading
RTTI (Run Time Type Information)
default arguments
I/O i.e. cin & cout

What is Object Oriented Programming(OOP) ?

As its name indicates , it is a technique which is organised around object.Hence object is CYNOSURE here.Here main focus point is data. Functions are secondary. In very simple terms, functions are data oriented , means in what way data is going to be used in program that is described in function. so data and functions are tied together to make "Object".

Features of OOPs:


Abstraction is the process of hiding the details and exposing only the essential features of a object according to the context or problem domain.

IEEE Definition :
"A view of a problem that extracts the essential information
relevant to a particular purpose and ignores the remainder of
the information."

-- [IEEE, 1983]

Encapsulation is the ability to bundle related data and functionality within a single, autonomous entity called a class.

Inheritance is a mechanism to create new classes through already existing classes.

Poly means "many" morphism means "forms" hence verbal meaning is many forms. It is a way in which one name can provide different functionalities.
-> the ability to provide the same interface to objects with differing implementations.

What is C++ ?

Welcome to C++ Learning Sessions..

C++ is very entertaining and one of the most used programming language. I hope you will enjoy learning this beautiful programming language.

C++ Fact File

C++ is a Object Oriented Programming Language, developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1983 at Bell lab.

It is a powerful general purpose language which contains almost all the features of C including low level features like memory management,pointers etc.

One major advantage over C is object oriented features of C++. From small-scale to large-scale application can be created in C++.

It also supports other programming approaches like Procedural,Object-based programming, Generic programming, and Functional programming.

Originally it was named as "C with Classes".

C++ is also considered as Superset of C.

C++ is having a special concept called "operator overloading". This concept is not present in the earlier OOP languages and it makes the creation of libraries much cleaner and easy.